Friday, September 21, 2007

Our name and YOU

Hey yall, Amanda here, and we really need your help for us to become famous!
We need your opinions to help us with a new name, remember, we are 4 girls trying to make a dream come true, so please, comment this post, and we will read it and PERSONALLY give you a thanks. Also, I have AIM, and if you do, you can IM me anytime! My AIM is Inlove101012, so if you need anything, contact me there.
I was thinking of some really cool names, something interesting, but different than everyone else.
Well, must go.
I'll have another blog sooner or later!
PLEASSSSSSSE comment us and give us ideas (wow this has been a short blog)
Thanks so much!


Caroline said...

Hey girlies!!! Its Caroline. I think yall are GREAT!!! Yall should ttly go pro!!! See ya at school!

The Rock-A-By Rappers said...

Thanks so much caroline for commenting it means so much girl!
we love ya,
tha rappas.... <33

andie said...

hey girl its andie. goodluck at going pro!!! keep on doing what ur doing! talk to u lata.