Saturday, September 22, 2007

How to contact the ROCK-A-BY RAPPERS

hey yall, amanda here...sorry we have put SOOO many posts up in just a couple of days, me and the rest of the girls are just so excited, and for us to get support from yall, you need to know about the band. After this please read the blog below unless you already have and leave a tells u how down there. But, I just wanted to post here all of our email adressess, AIM sns, and so on.

The FAN SIGHT ...............
CARSON'S EMAIL............
CARLEE'S EMAIL.............

Thanks so much and just to let you know, apoligies again for so many blogs, like i said we are excited so we want to be fresh, get comments, and keep you interested.

Remember that we take any comments and suggestions from yall, you can email it to one of the emails (but if it a comment plzz send it to the FAN mail)

NOTE:::ONCE we get used to this idea and everything we will settle down and porbably do 1 or 2 a WEEK...haha thats funny we are posting like 3 a day right now!

Please send suggestions and tell us if a blog is boring or not because if we get enough suggestions we will most likely take it down!

Thank yall so much and have a happy day :) Soon we will be posting pictures and music on this site so....stay tuned and PLZZZZ take then poll at the bottom!

<33 Amanda

Don't know what to do on this blog? We can help!

Hey yall, it's amanda. I've noticed and gotten a lot of texts and IMs askin how to post a comment and such...what you do is at the bottom of each post, there is something that says the number on comments we have. It is next to the little evelope sign. Click on that and you will see the comments that people have put up there. On the right side, it says something like "add ur comment" and you enter it and BAM its there! Having trouble? Ask us at!

I also wanted to say that the blogs are in backwards order. The first one you see when the screen comes up it the one we did recently. If you want to see the blogs in order (which i wish this stupid thing did....or maybe it does i just haven't found out...haha) But if you want to see the blogs in order then start at the bottom and go up!

Well, thats just a reminder and please comment us and do the poll! It means so much we love you all!


~The Rock A By Rappers~
Hey Guyz it's Dannelly-
I've got great news, We have just made a fan mail email adress:)
Heres the ad.-
Email Us
Hey guys, It's Dannelly. Thanks everyone for all ya'lls support. Today at the dance during 5th block at Crayton, we passed out a bunch of flyers. Tell all your friends about our site, and email them the link.
We have a great group of girls and I hope that we can create tons of awesome songs in the future. Amanda is working super hard on writing lyrics, and writing blogs. I am working on some flyers, so don't be suprised if you find one in your locker. If you have any comments please post them! We would like compliments, as well as suggestions.
Love Ya,

P.S.- My email-


I realized how much support I have from my friends today at school. I mean, all of them were so interested and wanted to know the address from the sight, i wrote it down so many times my hand STILL HURTS! :) But it's a good kind of pain. I want to thank our friends so much because without them I mean, we wouldn't be doing this, and even though, it's just me, amanda, typing, i know Carlee, Carson and Dannelly are thinking the same thing. I can't believe how popular me and the rest of the R.A.B.R.'s are (note::R.A.B.R. is just an abbreviation for the Rock-A-By Rappers) but I cant believe how much our friendship crew has expanded, and like i just said my hand hurts from writing the adress so many times, but my fingers hurt too because I got TONS of texts from my friends TOO asking wat the site was. also, i just posted the poll like, 3 minutes ago and 4 people have already taken it. It feels really good, oh and we already have a comment. I know we probably wont get a lot of those, which I wish we did, because it makes me, carson, dannelly and carlee feel really good inside to see that we have really nice friends comment us. I mean that really shows who really cares and what not. Oh, and I have heard a bunch of people mis-pronounce some of our band member's names (mainly dannelly's) but heres a little tip...those of u who already know can scroll down if you dont want to read extra...
but anyway.
AMANDA is pronouced (A-MAN-DAH)
DANNELLY is pronounced (DANN-A-LEE)
CARLEE is pronounce (CAR-LEE)
CARSON is pronounced (CAR-SUN)

just a little advice...anyway, moving on...
I think that if you want to know more about us then I should tell you the story of how we first created the idea of 'The Rock-A-By Rappers'

It started when the for of us and a few other girls were spending the night up at the lake. Dannelly was being really funny and started rapping. She was like "what should i sing in rap?" i was like "haha sing rock a by baby" and she did. IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!!!! that girl was the life of the party. Dannelly was like "bust a beat yo" and me, carlee and carson started makin a beat a she sang. We did that for the rest of the night but it ended up being carlee, carson and dannelly singin and me bustin the beat. Our friends said we were really good and should not only do play rap but sing real songs too. They commented on how good we sang and how i was a good song writer, and here we are now.

Well, I am tired of typing, so i'll type sometime laterr....thanks so much! PLEASE comment...oh and thanks so much to our friends and fans, yall mean so much to us...
