Monday, September 24, 2007


Haha, hey yall it's Amanda and I just read wat dannelly said! Isn't that girl hilarious?!?!?! HAHA, but she is right, we have gotten TONS OF votes on our polls, though we wish we had more, and we have received very nice comments and emails. Though if you have any suggestions for the site or comments, email us remember! Carlee and Carson havent posted anything up here yet because they dont have the username or password us here, i will be trying to get it to them A.S.A.P.

Anyway, Dannelly and I have been working on flyers, and i have made some and sent them to her, so dont be surprised if you find one in your locker on Monday (well, that is for 6th graders at crayton) Oh, and I have some GREATTTT NEWSS! Me and the rest of the girls are singers, but we don't know how to play instruments that well, and we need an acoustic guitarist, an electric guitarist AND a drummer, HEY maybe even a keyboardist, so we will be holding auditions! I am not sure the date of them yet, though, but as soon as i found out, I will definetly post them on the sight. So if you are interested please leave a comment or email us at When we do find out about the auditions, me, or one of the other ladies will post a blog titled "AUDITIONS FOR THE ROCK-A-BY RAPPERS" and it will tell you everything you need to bring and do, and so on.

Well, just wanted to inform you about that, and I hope you stay interested in our blog!

Thanks so much!
<33 Amanda

Waz Up???

Hey Guyz,It's Dannelly. I have been so impressed with how much visitors we have had at our sight, and how much emails we have gotten. Thanks for all of your support. Please comment on the sight, or send us fanmail! Forward the website to your friends, or text them it. Also please post your vote on the poll.
Also i wanted to share some random things about myself..
Resteraunt-Sato's, Moe's, and Groucho's
Hobbies-Soccer, Dancing, Gymnastics, and Cheerleading
Rndom Thing I like to do- I lick the butter on the Popcorn wrapper thingmagiger.
Hottest Guy in the world-Ryan Sheckler
Love Ya-