Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Rock-A-By Rappers...the newest SENSATIONAL band

Hey Yall, amanda here, and i am the manager and part of the newest band, The ROCK-A-BY RAPPERS. We are 4 girls just trying to make a dream come true. We started off a few months ago with just playing around and rapping some Rock A By Baby lyrics, soon enough, or friends said that we should try to go pro! We thought this out and we are going to give it a go!
It started as me being the beat buster and my friend Dannelly, Carson and Carlee singin a rap version of Rock-a-by baby. Then we made different forms, like the British version, (she sings rap like a britain) the chinese version (she sings rap like a chinese) and the spanish version, (she sings like a spanish person) Our friends have encouraged us to go far. All we need are a drummer, two guitar players and we'll be fine! I am really good at writing music, and organizing stuff, AND singing, so I am the manager, the writer and one of the three singers. Carson is a singer, who doesn't realize it, but shes awesome, Dannelly is the middle singer. I mean the rap was all her idea, so she takes the most credit. And last but not least, is Carlee, the other singer. She, Carson and Dannelly really could go pro in singing.

Well, I have to go to school now, but please be prepared for my next posting, maybe you will get the inside scoop on the Rock-A-By rappers! Maybe I will even post after school today!
Thank yall and have a great day!
